|About us
The NCKU Center for Women's Gender Studies was established in1995. The center commits itself to trans-disciplinary researches on gender related issues in order to cope with significant domestic and international trends. It is the goal of this Center to enhance the awareness of gender in contemporary society, to promote greater multicultural understanding. In addition, this Center aims to develop local studies of gender issues as related to races, class, human rights, and social rights and to use these studies to entail teaching and learning programs and to influence social welfare policy.
Some projects completed in these years include the following. Workshop on Gender and History; Project of Training Seed Teachers of Gender Equity Education; Teaching Gender Collaborative Project between NCKU and Its Neighboring Academic Institutions; Workshop on Gender Studies Program; Workshop on the Teaching of Feminist Classics : Local Perspectives; Taiwan Foreign Spouse Mental Health Demand of Research Intervention Result; The MOE Gender Equity Resource Center Project. Publication includes the following two books (in Chinese): Reconfiguring Motherhood Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives; Identity, Difference, Voicing: the Practice of Teaching Gender.
Some remarkable innovations are done by the center recently. Firstly, the NCKU becomes the only Taiwan membership of Worldwide Universities Network(WUN)because of the success of Marriage Migrants in Asia Projects which are launched by the center in 2018. Moreover, the Gender Studies Program was co-established by related departments of the College of Liberal Arts in 2016. This cross-disciplinary program can augment the collaboration between the faculty and the students.
|The eight missions of this Center are
1.To commit itself to scholarly research on women's and gender studies.
2.To develop inter-disciplinary (or, transdisciplinary) curricula and program on women's related issues and gender studies.
3.To design concrete exchange and cooperation programs for domestic and foreign related institutes.
4.To launch academic-orientated workshops, seminars, and conferences.
5.To render social services and organize lectures, promotions, and publication.
6.To promote an understanding of the social policy of women's and gender related issues.
7.To nurture scholarly and practical talent.
8.To establish a database of talent and knowledge.