

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
馬慧英 Culture, gender and health care stigma:Practitioners' response to facial masking experienced by people with Parkinson's disease Social Science & Medicine, 73, 95-102. Tickle-Degnen, L., Zebrowitz, L.A., & Ma, H.-I.* (2011).




發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及其數
王右君 網路交友平台上的女性自我敘事與性別展演 2010,《女學學誌》,第27期。
Chen, Li-Kuang What and how older men and women learn when they volunteer. Proceedings of the 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK, 72.
陳麗光 高齡女性參與志願服務之學習過程對其成功老化之促進角色。 2010高齡者志工人力與社區學習學術研討會論文集,台北市,55-74。







發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
蔡玫姿 幸福空間、區隔女人、才女禁區初論1960年後書寫廚房空間的性別議題 2009.07《東海中文學報》二十一期,頁337-370
蔡玫姿 專書:《從性別觀點閱讀類型文學》 2009.12 台北:巨流
楊芳枝 評「無疆界的女性主義」(Feminism without Borders by Chandra Mohanty) 2009 多元文化主義與課程理論,劉美慧主編。台北:學富
王右君 重訪網路上的身份展演:以同志論壇MOTSS為分析對象 2009《新聞學研究》,第九十九期,頁47-77
王右君 〈大女人、小女人:網路交友平台上的自我書寫與性別展演〉 2009年文化研學會,台灣師範大學文學院
Chen, Li-Kuang Negotiating identity between career and family roles: A study of international graduate students’ wives in the U.S. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 28(2), p211-226

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
吳達芸 《逆女》的家庭悲劇及母職探討 《母職面面觀-跨領域的視野》五南,2008
劉靜貞 北宋墓誌書寫活動中的女性參與 發表於第一回中國史學国際研究交流会
陸偉明 台灣高等教育性別區隔現象與碩士畢業生進修理之探討 高等教育,3,63-88
Su-lin Yu “Body Matters: Reconstructing Japanese American Immigrant Women in Yoshiko Uchida's Picture Bride 6th MESEA conference, University of Leiden, Netherlands, June 25-28, 2008
Su-lin Yu “Beyond Generation: Taiwan Women in Dialogue 29th Annual National Women's Studies Association conference, Cincinnati, U.S.A. June 19-22, 2008
楊芳枝 Engaging with Korean Dramas: Discourses of Gender, Media, and Class Formation in Taiwan.” Asian Journal of Communication, 18(1): 64-79. (SSCI)
王右君 ‘Performing ‘Women’ in Internet Dating: a case study 2008.07 International Association for Media and Communication Research, Stockholm, July 20-25, Sweden.
王右君 Performing Gender and Writing Self: a case study of women’s Internet dating in Taiwan’ 2008.06 Annual Conference of the National Women’s Studies Association, Jun 19-22, Cincinnati.

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Liu, Kai-ling

Transmitting/Transcribing Women: Publications of Taiwan Women’s Personal Narratives

History of Education Society (UK) Annual Conference: Education and Globalization. University of Birmingham.
劉開鈴 牆紙後的女人:夏洛特・柏金絲・吉爾曼的自傳



Su-lin Yu Narrating M/others: New Orientalism in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club“ Fu Jen Studies
Su-lin Yu Beyond the Imaginary Relationship Between Western Feminists and Third-World Women 32-51. (SSCI) MLA
Su-lin Yu Third Wave Feminism and Third World Women The National Women’s Studies Association 28th Annual ConferenceJune 28 - July1 2007,St. Charles, Illinois, USA (NSC96-2914-I-006-019)
Su-lin Yu 第三波族裔女性個人敘述 生命書寫”學術研討會,中研院歐美研究所
Su-lin Yu 書寫/母職:以艾莉絲、沃克為例 家庭與工作:變遷現象與多元想像」研討會,台灣女性學學會、國立高雄師範大學性別教育研究所
Su-lin Yu 挑戰典範:美國第三波女性主義作家之策略 「文學藝術與創意研發」學術研討會,國立成功大學文學院
Bih-Ching Shu*, Wei-Ming Luh, Shih-Ming Li, Shin-Yi Lu Self-concept and menopause among mid-life women: A survey in southern in Taiwan.Maturitas 57(2):132-138.( IF: 2.023,SCI: Category : Geriatrics & Gerontology: Ranking:17/31=55%; SCI:Obstetrics & Gynecology: Ranking:20/60=33%
王右君 Performing Tongzhi: Citationality and Situationality, Interdisciplinary Dialogues International Conference on Taiwanese Literature and Culture under Globalisation, 26-7 October, Tainan, Taiwan.
呂明蓁 校園權力結構與人權正義的拔河-校園性別事件處理的省思。 性別平等教育專業發展研討會
徐珊惠 女性與運動 性別研究教學成果發表會帶動週遭學校或同領域學術發展之具體策略與成效,台南,台灣。
Hsu, S. H., Cheng Hong Wu, Yaslan Chan, Miao San Yea and Chia Wei Chan. What do Female Athletes Look Like in Taiwan American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Older Taiwanese women: Learning and successful aging through volunteering. Adult Education Program Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy, University of Georgia. advised by Dr. Sharan Merriam
Chen, Li-Kuang The roles of learning through volunteering in older Taiwanese women’s perceived successful aging. Proceedings of the Third Asian Diaspora Pre-conference, Canada, 1-6.
Chen, Li-Kuang Between modernization and tradition--How does culture shape Taiwanese elder women’s perceptions of successful aging? Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of the Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) 48th National Conference and Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) 26th National Conference, Canada, 121-126.

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Su-lin Yu

Sisterhood as Cultural Difference in Amy Tans The Hundred Secret Senses and Cristina Garcias The AgueroSisters

Critique, forthcoming in 2006. (A&HCI) (NSC 92-2411-H-006-026-)
Su-lin Yu Home of the Brave: A Journey Toward Home. Modern Language StudiesForthcoming.
Fu-jen Chen and Su-lin Yu Asian North-American Children’s Literature about the Internment. Children’s Literature in Education,
 Forthcoming, Volume 37, Number 3, September, 2006. (A&HCI)
陳福仁、游素玲 重繪美國西南:從空間詩學探討日裔美國文學的集中營書寫 中外文學 35.1 (2006): 41-58. (THCI)
Bih-Ching Shu, Li-Hua Lo, Li-Ling Lin, Su-Chen Hsieh , Shi-Ming Li, Shu-Chen Wu. The Transformation Process of Self-identity of Women with Adolescent Autistic Children

Journal of Nursing Research,14(1), 55-64.

For-Wey Lung, Bih-Ching Shu Father-son attachment and sexual partner orientation in Taiwan.

Comprehensive Psychiatry, 45(1), 20-26.

Shin-Yi Lu, Li-Ling Lin, Wei-Ming Luh, * Bih-Ching Shu. Factors related to women's depression during menopause period. Under review
Bih-Ching Shu, Quality of life in family caregivers with autistic children: Mother’s perspective. NSC-89-2413-H-006-016
Shu-Chen Wu, *Bih-Ching Shu , Li-Ling Lin & Su-Chen Hsieh Maternal concerns and strategies for caring the sexuality of male adolescents with autism. 
Bih-Ching Shu, Wei-Ming Luh, Shih-Ming Li, Shin-Yi Lu Self-concept and menopause among mid-life women: A survey in southern in Taiwan.

Maturitas. (accepted)

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Bih-ChingShu, For-Wey Lung The Effect of Support Group on the Mental Health and Quality of Life for Mothers with Autistic Children. Journal of Intellectual  Disability Research, Vol. 49, 47-53.

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Su-lin Yu Ethnic Sisterhood in Amy Tans The Hundred Secret Senses Fiction and Drama 15 (2004): 139-51
常善媚 徐畢卿 生手進田野-一位田野研究者的體驗與反思 (醫學教育,8(3), 293-300) *通訊作者

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
劉開鈴 瑣碎的生命紀事:艾美亞的日記




劉開鈴 我是她是我:葛楚與艾莉絲成家記 

《中外文學》32.3: 13-33。NSC91-2411-


發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
徐畢卿 〈參與聯合國第四十六屆婦女委員會 -- 論婦女精神衛生〉 護理雜誌, 49(4) 25~29
徐畢卿 〈智能智障兒的婦女家庭照顧者 - 以自閉兒母親為例〉 護理雜誌,49(2 22-28 
劉開鈴 〈寫自己的故事—家庭主婦和婦女讀書會〉 《婦女與性別研究通訊》62: 1-3
Liu, Kai-ling Reading and Writing Our Own Stories: The AlternativeReading  Group. Asian Journal of Womens Studies 8.2: 7-30. (SSCI; NSC-89-2411-H-006-033-B11)
Su-lin Yu Reconstructing Western Female Subjectivity: Between
Orientalism and Feminism in Julia Kristeva
s About Chinese Women.
Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies 7.1 (2002)
施悅欣、陸偉明 〈教師與學生之性別意識:以一個性別相關課程為場域〉 女學學婦女與性別研究14, 175-212(TSSCI-O)

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Bih-ChingShu ,Horng-Chang Hsieh, Su-Chen Hsieh, Shi-Ming Li Toward an Understanding of Mothering: The Care Giving Process of Mothers With an Autistic Child. The Journal of NursingResearch ,Vol.9(5), 203-213.
Liu, Kai-ling Journey through the Letter:Mariama So Long a Letter.

Journal of National Cheng Kung University 36:1/22.

劉開鈴 〈自我書寫在性別研究課室與婦女團體中的運用〉 《兩性平等教育季刊》1546-50NSC-88-2411-H-006-012-B11 以及NSC-89-2411-H-006-033-B11



〈認識性侵害〉 護理雜誌,48 2),18-26 

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
劉開鈴 〈「性別與文學」通識課程設計與評估—之一〉 《兩性平等教育季刊》1295-101
Bih-ChingShu,For-Wey Lung*and Yong-Yuan Chang** The Mental Health in Mothers with Autistic Children. Reprinted from The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,Vo1.16,No.6,308-314.

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數/出版社
Su-lin Yu Journey to the Symbolic: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Jane
Campion's The Piano.

West Virginia University Philological Papers 45 (1999): 107-15

發表人 論文名稱 期刊名稱及期數
陸偉明、劉開鈴 〈學生反思能力與性別角色態度的改變性別與社會通識課程的教學成效〉 成功大學學報,33209-218